主讲人:G.Keong Leong (Management Department College of Business University of Nevada)
简介:Dr. Leong is Professor and Chair of the Management Department. He had worked previously at Ohio State University. His research is in the areas of supply chain management and international operations. He has published in high quality journals such as the Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences Journal, Interfaces, Journal of Management, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Logistics Management, and International Journal of Production Research. He has co-authored three books: Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach (Southwestern- Cengage),Operations Strategy: Focusing Competitive Excellence (Allyn Bacon) and Cases in International Management: A Focus on Emerging Markets (West Publishing Company). He has received research, teaching, and service awards including an Educator of the Year award from the Asian Chamber of Commerce in Las Vegas. He is listed in Marquis Who#39s Who in the World, Who#39s Who in America, Who#39s Who in American Education, and Who#39s Who Among Americas Teachers. Dr. Leong has served as President of the Decision Sciences Institute, Editor of Decision Line, President of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, and Chair of the Operations Management Division of the Academy of Management.