2011年第三届IEEE信息管理与工程国际会议(IEEE ICIME 2011)
Zhengzhou, China. May 21-22, 2011
General Information会议简讯:
ICIME 2009会议和 ICIME 2010会议分别在马来西亚和中国成都成功召开。基于前两届的成功召开,2011年第三届IEEE信息管理与工程国际会议(IEEE ICIME 2011)将于2011年5月21日至22日在中国,郑州召开。ICIME 2011 会议由IEEE、郑州航空工业管理学院,四川省电子协会、河南工业大学和电子科技大学联合举办。大会致力于为信息系统管理、信息技术和电子商务等领域的专家和学者提供一个学术交流与建立友谊的平台,会议旨在加强交流、促进合作,使广大学者分享优秀的论文和成果,同共同探讨近来信息管理与工程等领域的新技术和新应用。
ICIME 2011 will be held on May 21 - 22 2011, in Zhengzhou, China. ICIME 2011 is co-sponsored by IEEE and Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management, co-sponsored by Henan University of Technology, University of Electronics Science and Technology of China, Sichuan Institute of Electronics. The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry.
ICIME 2011会议论文集将由 IEEE出版,论文将被收录进 IEEE Xpore, 将被Ei Compendex和 ISI Proceeding全文双检索。
ICIME 2011 conference proceeding will proudly published by IEEE Press, which will be included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex, INSPEC and Thomson ISI (ISTP).
News!All papers of ICIME 2010 have been indexed by Ei Compendex. ICIME 2010的所有论文都被EI检索。
News! ICIME 2011 has been listed in the IEEE Conferences Search. ICIME 2011已经被列入IEEE会议列表。
News! ICIME 2011 已经进入教育部中国学术会议在线。
News! Prof. Caroline M. Fisher (USA) from Missouri University of Science and Technology will attend the meeting.
News! Prof. Hilgers Michael (USA) will attend the meeting.
Notice: 2011 International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (ICWOC 2011), ICWOC 2011 conference will be published in the IEEE ICIME 2011 proceeding as a workshop, and all papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore, and indexed by the Ei Compendex and Thomson ISI.
2011年无线和光纤通信国际会议(ICWOC 2011)将作为IEEE ICIME 2011的研究课题组,所有论文将被EI检索。
2011 International Conference on Network and Computational Intelligence (ICNCI 2011), ICNCI 2011 conference will be published in the'||'&'||'nbsp; IEEE ICIME 2011 proceeding as a workshop, and all papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore, and indexed by the Ei Compendex and Thomson ISI.
2011年网络和计算机智能国际会议(ICNCI 2011)将作为IEEE ICIME 2011的研究课题组,所有论文将被EI检索。
2011 International Conference on Financial and Management Science (ICFMS 2011), ICFMS 2011 conference will be published in the'||'&'||'nbsp; IEEE ICIME 2011 proceeding as a workshop, and all papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore, and indexed by the Ei Compendex and Thomson ISI.
2011年金融和管理科学国际会议(ICFMS 2011)将作为IEEE ICIME 2011的研究课题组,所有论文将被EI检索。